Photography by John G. DeMajo |
St. Paul's Episcopal Church |
Building exterior |
Main Aisle |
1921 E.M. Skinner pipe organ |
SAINT PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH PEDAL Second Voices pipes 64 Resultant 16 First Bourdon* Bourdon 16 16 Second Bourdon 16 Lieblichgedeckt* (Swell) Lieblichgedeckt 16 16 Contra Gamba (Solo) 16 Violone 8 Octave* Oktav Diapason 8 8 Gedacktflöte* Gedeckt 8 8 Gamba (Solo) 4 Choralbass* Diapason 4 4 Flûte IV Mixture 32 Contre Bombarde Kontra Posaune 32 Contre Double Trumpet (Great) 16 Bombarde Posaune 16 Double Trumpet (Great) 8 Trompette 4 Clarion SWELL English Voices pipes 16 Lieblich Gedeckt 8 Diapason* Diapason 8 8 Geigen Diapason Open Diapason 8 Stopped Diapason* Stopped Diapason 8 8 Salicional* Salicional 8 8 Voix Celeste* Voix Celeste 8 8 Aeoline* Aeoline 8 8 Flute Celeste II Erzähler Celeste II 8 Echo Gamba Viole d’Orchestre (engrav chg - was Salicional) 8 Echo Celeste Viole Celeste (engrav chg - was Voix Celeste) 4 Octave Geigen Octave 4 Traverse Flute 4 Harmonic Flute* Harmonic Flute 4 22/3 Nasard 2 Piccolo* Flautino 2 13/5 Tierce IV Fourniture Mixture V 16 Contre Trompette Double Trumpet 8 Trompette Trumpet 8 Cornopean* Cornopean 8 8 Flugel Horn* Flugelhorn 8 8 Hautbois Orchestral Oboe 8 Vox Humana Vox Humana 4 Clairon Clarion Tremulant English Swell GREAT Second Voices pipes 16 Double Diapason Quintaten 8 First Diapason* Diapason 8 8 Second Diapason Prinzipal 8 Bourdon 8 Clarabella* Clarabella 8 8 Harmonic Flute Metalgedackt 8 Gamba 4 First Octave* Octave 4 4 Second Octave Oktav 4 Spitzflute 22/3 Twelfth Sesquialtera II 2 Fifteenth IV Mixture III Sharp Mixture 16 Double Trumpet 8 Tromba Tremulant Chimes Carillon Second Voicing SOLO 16 Gamba Celeste II 8 Flauto Mirabilis 8 Solo Gamba 8 Gamba Celeste 4 Doppelflute (voice change - was Harpsichord) 4 Gambette Celeste II 16 Tuba Mirabilis 8 Tuba Mirabilis 8 French Horn 8 Corno d’Bassetto 8 Cor Anglais 4 Octave Mirabilis Tremulant Celesta Solo Unenclosed CHOIR pipes 8 Concert Flute * Concert Flute 8 8 Holzgedackt 8 Viole Dolce (engrav chg - was Viole 8) 8 Viole Celeste 8 Dulciana* Dulciana 8 4 Prinzipal 4 Koppelflöte 4 Flute d’Amour* Flute d’Amour 4 4 Violes II 2 Oktav 11/3 Quintflöte III Cymbale 8 Clarinet* Clarinet 8 8 Cromorne Tremulant
COUPLERS – rocker tabs 8 Great to Pedal 8 Swell to Pedal 4 Swell to Pedal 8 Choir to Pedal 8 Solo to Pedal 16 Swell to Great 8 Swell to Great 4 Swell to Great 8 Choir to Great 8 Solo to Great 16 Swell to Choir 8 Swell to Choir 4 Swell to Choir 8 Solo to Choir Choir Unison Off 16 Swell to Swell Swell Unison Off 4 Swell to Swell 8 Solo to Swell [BLANK] All Swells to Swell Great Unenclosed Tremulants Full Swell Main Off Swell to Antiphonal MIDI on Swell MIDI on Great MIDI on Choir MIDI on Pedal