Saint James's Episcopal Church
Fifth and Marshall streets
Ergen organ, 1839, 2m/13r (?)
Open Diapason Gr.
(Stopped Diapason)
Flute a' chiminee
Violine Diapason Sw.**
(St'd Diapason)
St'd Diapason Bass Sw.
Principal Bass Sw.
Open Diapason Ped.
The above list was compiled by James Baird, owner of the organ after the 1970s, from stop labels and his memory (organ was in storage). Stops marked ** are presumably 1875 replacements. Stops in parens are missing labels.
1201 West Franklin Street, 23220
Austin organ, 1912, Op. 418, 4m/33r
16 Tibia Clausa 61 pipes wood
8 Principal Diapason (leathered) 61 pipes metal
8 Small Diapason 61 pipes metal
8 Viole d'Amour 61 pipes metal
8 Doppel Flute 61 pipes wood
4 Octave 61 pipes metal
4 Harmonic Flute 61 pipes metal
Chimes (in Solo & Echo box) 25 tubes
16 Bourdon 73 pipes Wood
8 Open Diapason 73 pipes metal
8 Viole d'Orchestre 73 pipes tin
8 Fohr Flute 73 pipes wood
8 Echo Salicional 73 pipes metal
4 Flauto Traverso 73 pipes wood
4 Violina 73 pipes metal
8 Cornopean 73 pipes reed
8 Oboe 73 pipes reed
8 Geigen Principal 73 pipes metal
8 Dulciana 73 pipes metal
8 Concert Flute 73 pipes wood
4 Flute d'Amour 73 pipes wood & metal
2 Piccolo 61 pipes metal
8 clarinet 73 pipes reed
SOLO (in Solo & Echo box)
8 Grand Diapason 73 pipes metal
8 Flauto Major 73 pipes wood
8 Gross Gamba 73 pipes metal
8 Harmonic Tuba 73 pipes reed
8 Wald Flute 73 pipes wood
8 Muted Viole 73 pipes tin
8 Unda Maris 61 pipes wood
4 Fern Flute 73 pipes wood
8 Vox Humana 61 pipes reed
(on separate chest with special valve tremulant)
32 Resultant Bass 32 notes wood
16 Open Diapason (contract says notes)32 pipes wood
16 Violone (contract says notes) 32 pipes wood & metal
16 Bourdon (from Great) 32 notes wood
16 Lieblich Gedackt (from Swell) 32 notes wood
8 Gross Flute (from Open) 32 notes wood
8 Violoncello (from Violone) 32 notes wood & metal
Swell to Great; Swell to Great Sub; Swell to Great Octave; Choir to Great; Choir to Great Sub; Choir to Great Octave; Solo & Echo to Great Unison; Solo & Echo to Great Octave; Swell Sub; Swell Unison Off; Swell Octave; Choir Sub; Choir Unison Off; Choir Octave; Swell to Choir Sub; Swell to Choir Unison; Swell to Choir Octave; Solo & Echo to Choir Unison; Great Manual of Sunday School Organ On and Off; Solo & Echo Sub; Solo & Echo Unison Off; Solo & Echo Octave; Solo On Echo Off; Echo On Solo Off; Echo and Solo On; Swell to Pedal; Swell to Pedal Octave; Great to Pedal; Great to Pedal Octave; Cohir to Pedal; Solo & Echo to Pedal
1-6 Great, Pedal stops & couplers
1-6 Swell, Pedal stops & couplers
1-6 Choir, Pedal stops & couplers
1-6 Solo & Echo, Pedal stops & couplers
1-4 Pedal stops & couplers (toe only)
Sunday School organ is to be blown from the main organ blower, as well as from its own separate blower, a trap valve to be provided.
Church opened 1913. Organ was in one chamber on the left side of the chancel, with Solo & Echo divisions in the tower (behind balcony). In 1913 church member and organ technician Burgess Ramos combined the church and Sunday School organs by placing the two Sunday School organ manuals atop the four-manual church console. Austin rebuilt the whole thing in 1953. The main part of the Austin remained in place, minus console, when a Reiger organ was installed in the balcony in 1974. Both were destroyed by fire in 1994.
Sunday School organ, Op. 417, 1912, 2m/10r
8 Open Diapason 73 pipes metal
8 Clarabella 73 pipes wood
8 Dulciana 73 pipes metal
8 English Diapason 73 pipes metal
8 Rohr Flote 73 pipes wood
8 Salicional 73 pipes metal
8 Oboe Gamba 73 pipes metal
4 Harmonic Flute 73 pipes metal
16 Bourdon 73 pipes wood
16 Lieblich Gedackt 73 pipes wood
Great Sub; Great Unison Off; Great Octave; Swell to Great Sub; Swell to Great Unison; Swell to Great Octave; Swell Sub; Swell Unison Off; Swell Octave; Great to Pedal Unison; Swell to Pedal Unison; Swell to Pedal Octave
1-6 Great, Pedal stops & couplers
1-6 Swell, Pedal stops & couplers
1-3 Pedal stops & couplers (toe)
Great manual and stop action to be operated from main organ (pencil notation).
Information for both organs from same contract.
Austin organ, rebuilt 1953, 3m/51r
8 First Diapason 73 pipes
8 Second Diapason 73 pipes
8 Viole D'Amour 73 pipes
8 Doppelflute 73 pipes
4 Octave 73 pipes
4 Harmonic Flute 73 pipes
2 2/3 Twelfth 73 pipes
2 Fifteenth 73 pipes
8 Processional 73 pipes
16 Lieblich Gedeckt 73 pipes
8 Open Diapason 73 pipes
8 Stopped Flute 73 pipes
8 Viole D'Orchestre 73 pipes
8 Celeste 61 pipes
8 Echo Salicional 73 pipes
4 Flauto Traverso 73 pipes
4 Violina 73 pipes
8 Trumpet 73 pipes
8 Oboe 73 pipes
4 Clarion 73 pipes
8 English Diapason 73 pipes
8 Concert Flute 73 pipes
8 Dulciana 73 pipes
8 Unda Maris 61 pipes
4 Chimneyfulte 73 pipes
2 2/3 Nazard 61 pipes
2 Piccolo 61 pipes
1 3/5 Tierce 61 pipes
1 1/3 Larigot 61 pipes
8 Clarinet 73 pipes
8 Principal Flute 73 pipes
8 Gross Gamba 73 pipes
8 Celeste 61 pipes
8 Harmonic Tuba 73 pipes
8 Clarabella 73 pipes
8 Wardflute (sic) 73 pipes
8 Flute Celeste 61 pipes
8 Muted Viole 73 pipes
4 Fernflute 73 pipes
8 Vox Humana 61 pipes
8 Prestant 73 pipes
4 Spitzprincipal 73 pipes
III Plein Jeu 183 pipes
32 Resultant -----
16 Open Diapason 32 pipes
16 Violone 32 pipes
16 Bourdon 32 pipes
16 Lieblich Gedeckt 32 pipes
16 Echo Dolce Gedeckt 32 pipes
8 Gross Flute 12 pipes
8 Violoncello 32 pipes
8 Octave (prep.)
4 Super Octave (prep.)
16 Bombarde (prep.)
8 Bombarde (prep.)
4 Clarion (prep.)
Information from dedication program, April 21, 1953
Rieger organ, 1974, 3m/80r
16 Gemshorn
8 Principal
8 Holzflote
4 Octav
4 Nachthorn
II-IV Sesquialter (2 2/3)
2 Superoctav
II Quarte (1 1/3)
VI Mixture (1/3)
8 Trompete
4 Trompete
16 Pommer
8 Bleigedackt
8 Gamba
8 Schwebung
4 Holzprincipal
4 Rohrflote
2 Blockflote
1 Sifflet
V-VII Mixture (2)
IV Cimbel (1/3)
V Cornet (franz; 8)
16 Dulzian
8 Musette
4 Chalmei
8 Chamade
8 Salicional
8 Rohrflote
4 Principal
4 Koppelflote
2 2/3 Nasat
2 Gemshorn
1 3/5 Terz
1 1/3 Quintlein
IV Scharff (1)
16 Barpfeife
8 Krummhorn
16 Principalbass
16 Subbass
10 2/3 Grossnassat (ext. Basszink)
8 Octavbass (ext. 16)
8 Gedackt
4 Choralbass
2 Nachthorn
IV Basszink (5 1/3)
VI Rauschpfeife (2 2/3)
32 Sordun
16 Fagott
8 Posaune
56-note manuals, 30-note pedal. Mechanical key action, electric stop action.
Information from dedication program, March 3, 1974.
Organ and choir were moved to rear gallery for this installation, which was in a free-standing case. Contract signed January 2, 1973. Original cost $130,260. Final cost $140,000 due to two devaluations in dollar. Revisions by Mann & Trupiano, 1993. Destroyed by fire July 13, 1994.
1993 revisions as indicated, plus new console.
16 Gemshorn (regulated)
8 Principal (rescaled and revoiced)
8 Traversflote (new)
8 Cello (new)
4 Octave (revoiced)
2 2/3 Quinte (revoiced)
2 Superoctave (revoiced)
1 3/5 Terz (new)
VI Mixture (revoiced)
16 Dulcian (moved from Schwellwerk)
8 Trompete
16 Pommer
8 Bleigedeckt (revoiced)
8 Gamba (revoiced; 10 Quintadena basses replaced by Haskell basses)
8 Schwebung (originally tuned flat, now tuned sharp)
4 Principal (new)
4 Rohrflote (revoiced; new trebles)
2 Blockflote
1 Sifflet (revoiced)
V Mixture (reconstituted, revoiced)
V Cornett
8 Trompete (Hawptwerk Trompete 4 with new bottom octave)
8 Oboe (TC; new)
4 Clarion (new)
8 Chamade
16 Rankett (Barpfeife renamed)
16 Subbass (to be revoiced)
Fisk organ, 1999, Op. 112, 3m/62r
16 Prestant 61 pipes, metal
8 Octave 61 pipes, metal
8 Violoncelle 61 pipes, metal
8 Spillfeife 61 pipes, metal
8 Flute harmonique (bass fr. Spillfeife) 45 pipes, metal
4 Octave 61 pipes, metal
4 Flute 61 pipes, metal
2 2/3 Quinte 61 pipes, metal
2 Doublette 61 pipes, metal
1 3/5 Tierce 54 pipes, metal
IV-VI Mixture 306 pipes, metal
V Cornet ????
16 Bombarde ????
8 Trompette 61 pipes, metal
8 Trommeten 61 pipes, metal
4 Clairon ????
16 Bourdon
8 Viole de gambe
8 Voix celeste
8 Flute traversiere
8 Cor de Nuit (prepared)
4 Prestant
4 Flute octaviante
2 Octavin
IV Plein Jeu
16 Basson
8 Trompette
8 Hautbois
8 Voix humaine
4 Clairon
POSITIVE (enclosed)
16 Violone
8 Principal
8 Salicional
8 Unda maris
8 Bourdon
4 Octave
4 Rohrflote
2 2/3 Nasard
2 Doublette
2 Quarte de Nasard (prepared)
1 3/5 Tierce
IV Mixture
16 Cor anglais
8 Basson
8 Cromorne
32 Contre Bourdon (ext.)
16 Contrebasse
16 Prestant (Great)
16 Violone (Positive)
16 Bourdon (Swell)
10 2/3 Quinte (ext.)
8 Octave
8 Violoncelle (Great)
8 Spillpfeife (Great
4 Octave
IV Mixture (prepared)
32 Contre Bombarde (ext.)
16 Bombarde (Great)
16 Posaune
8 Trompette (Great)
8 Trometten (Great)
4 Clairon (Great)
Rear gallery installation with free-standing case. Information from dedication program |