Photography by John G. DeMajo

8000 River Road


View Organ Specification (Moller Organ opus 10590) built 1970 with Positiv division added 1980

Console by Richard Houghten (2015)

Restored and enlarged by Emery Bros. ~ Dieffenbach Organ Company 2017

GREAT (Manual II)
16' Benton Violone
8' Holzgedeckt
8' Principal
4 Spillflôte
8' Bourdon
2 Principal
8' Flöte (from Pedal Block Flöte)
1-1/3' Quint
8' Violone
II Sesquialtera
4' Oktave
III-V Zimbel
4' Sptizflöte
2' Super Octave
III-V Fourniture
SOLO (Manual IV - Collective)
III Scharf
8' Flöte (Pedal)
8' Trumpet
8' Violone
8' Trumpet de Fête (Choir)
8' Flûte Traversière (Swell)
Zimbelstern (p)
8' Hautbois (Swell)
Zimbelstern (f)
8' Clarinet (Choir)
8' Trumpet (Great)
8' Bombarde (Pedal)
CHOIR (Manual I)
8' Trompette de Fête (Choir)
16' Quintaton
8' Montre
8' Flute Ouverte
32' Bourdon (bottom 5 notes digital)
8' Erzâhler
32' Lieblich Gedeckt (bottom 12 notes digital)
8' Erzâhler Celeste
16' Principal
4' Prestant
16' Bourdon
4' Bourdon
16' Benton Violone (Great)
2' Flûte a Fuseau
16' Rohrbass (Swell)
1-1/3' Larigot
16' Quintaton (Choir)
III Mixture
8' Octave
16' Cor Anglais
8' Violone (Great)
16' Freeman Clarinet
8' Bourdon
8' Krummhorn
8' Rohrflöte (Swell)
8' Rohr Schalmei
4' Choral Bass
4' Rohr Schamlei
4' Blockflöte
8' Trompette de Fête
II Mixture
II Acuta (ext. Mixture)
32' Cornet
SWELL (Manual III)
32 Contre Bombarde (ext. Bombarde)
16' Rohrbass
16' Bombarde
8' Rohrflöte
16 Hautbois (Swell)
8" Flûte Traversiùre
8' Trompette (ext. Bombarde)
8' Viole de Gambe
8' Trumpet (Great)
8' Viole Celeste
8' Hautbois (Swell)
4' Prestant

8' Trompette de Fête (Choir)

4' Flute Harmonique
4' Clarion (ext. Bombarde)
2-2/3 Rhornasat
4' Rohr Schalmei (Choir)
2' Blockflöte
1-3/5' Tierce
IV Plein Jeu


16' Contre Hautbois
8' Trompette
8' Hautbois
4' Clarion
8' Trompette de Fête (Choir)

River Road Church, Baptist
River and Ridge roads, 23229

Moller organ, 1970, Op. 10590, 4m/54r
Additions, 1980, 4m/65r


1.    16      Quintaton                           61 pipes
2.    8      Prinzipal                           61 pipes
3.    8      Bordun                              61 pipes
4.    4      Oktave                              61 pipes
5.    4      Spitzflote                    61 pipes
6.    2      Super Oktave                        61 pipes

7.    III-V Fourniture                    281 pipes
8.    III      Scharf                              183 pipes
9.          Chimes (prep.)
10.         Carillon (prep.)


11.   16      Flute a Cheminee              73 pipes
12.   8      Flute a Cheminee (from #11)      -----
13.   8      Flute Celeste II (prep.)           -----
14.   8      Viole Pompose                       61 pipes
15.   8      Viole Celeste (G)             54 pipes
16.   4      Prestant                            61 pipes
17.   4      Flute Harmonique              61 pipes
18.   2 2/3 Nazard a Cheminee                61 pipes
19.   2      Flute a Bec                   61 pipes
20.   1 3/5 Tierce                              61 pipes
21.   IV      Plein Jeu                           244 pipes
22.   16      Hautbois                            73 pipes
23.   8      Trompette                           61 pipes
24.   8      Hautbois (from #22)              -----
25.   4      Clairon                             61 pipes


26.   8      Montre                              61 pipes
27.   8      Flute Ourverte                      61 pipes
28.   8      Conteur                             61 pipes
29.   8      Conteur Celeste (TC)        49 pipes
30.   4      Principal                           61 pipes
31.   4      Bourdon                             61 pipes
32.   2      Flute a Fuseau                      61 pipes
33.   1 1/3 Larigot                             61 pipes
34.   III      Mixture                             183 pipes
35.   16      Cor Anglais                       61 pipes
36.   8      Cromorne                            61 pipes
37    4      Chalumeau a Cheminee          61 pipes
38.   8      Trompette de Fete             68 pipes
Chimes (prep.)
Carillon (prep.)

POSITIV (1980 addition)

40.   8      Holzgedeckt                   61 pipes
41.   4      Spillflote                    61 pipes
42.   2      Prinzipal                           61 pipes
43.   1      Sifflote                            61 pipes
44.   II      Kornet                              122 pipes
45.   III-V Zimbel                              220 pipes


8      Principal

8     Bordun
4      spitzprincipal
4     Klein Flote
2     Klen Oktave
II-IV Mixtur
8      Trompette
8      Trompette de Fete (Choir)


46.   32      Untersatz (bottom 5 resultant) 7 pipes
47.   16      Prinzipal                           32 pipes
48.   16      Subbass (from #46)                  44 pipes
49.   16      Quintaton (#1)                      -----
50.   16      Flute a Cheminee (#11)       -----
51.   8      Oktave                              32 pipes
52.   8      Bassflote (from #46)        -----
53.   8      Quintaton (from #1)               -----
54.   8      Flute a Cheminee (from #11)      -----
55.   4      Choralbass                    32 pipes
56.   4      Block Flote                   44 pipes
57.   2      Oktave Flote (from #56)        -----
58.   II      Mixtur                              88 pipes
59.   II      Acuta (from #58)              -----
60.   32      Contre Bombarde                56 pipes
61.   16      Bombarde (from #60)              -----
62.   16      Hautbois (#22)                      -----
63.   8      Bombarde (from #60)              -----
64.   8      Hautbois (from #22)              -----
65.   4      Clarion (from #60)                  -----
66.   4      Chalumeau a Cheminee (#37) -----


16    Bordun
8      Prinzipal
8     Bordun
4     Oktave

Great to Pedal 8 & 4; Swell to Pedal 8 & 4; Choir to Pedal 8 & 4; Positiv to Pedal; Antiphonal to Pedal; Swell to Great 16, 8 & 4; Choir to Great 16, 8 & 4; Antiphonal to Great 16; Positiv on Great; Swell to Choir 16, 8 & 4; Antiphonal to Choir 16; Positiv on Choir; Antiphonal to Great 8 & 4; Antiphonal to Choir 8 & 4; Great to Great 16 & 4, unison off; Swell to Swell 16 & 4, unison off; Choir to Choir 16 & 4, unison off; Antiphonal to Antiphonal 16 & 4, unison off; Positiv on Great 16

Great 1-8; Swell 1-8; Choir 1-8; Positiv 1-4; Antiphonal 1-4; Pedal 1-8, toe; Antiphonal Pedal 1-2, toe; General 1-10 thumb & toe; Great to Pedal reversible, thumb & toe; Swell to Pedal reversible, thumb & toe; Choir to Pedal reversible, thumb & toe; Positiv to Pedal reversible, thumb & toe; Tutti reversible, thumb & toe; 32' Untersatz reversible, thumb & toe; 32' Bombarde reversible, thumb & toe

The organ is in chambers on both sides of the chancel, speaking into chancel.  Great (unenclosed) and Choir are on the right; Swell, independent Pedal ranks, and Positiv are on the left.

Site visit by DT and factory work sheets

This church has a separate organ in the chapel.


Wicks organ, 1952, Opus 3260, 2m/6r


1.    16      Bourdon (TC, from #3)
2.    8      Open Diapason
3.    8      Flute
4.    8      Viola
5.    8      Dulciana (TC)
6.    4      Octave (from #2)
7.    4      Flute D'Amour (from #3)
8.    8      Cornopean
9.          Chimes


10.   16      Bourdon (TC, #1)
11.   8      Open Diapason (#2)
12.   8      Quintadena (#3 & #18)
13.   8      Stopped Flute (#3)
14.   8      Salicional (#4)
15.   8      Voix Celeste (TC)
16.   8      Dulciana (#5)
17.   4      Flute (from #3)
18.   4      Violina (from #4)
19.   8      Cornopean
20.   8      Oboe (from #4 & #18)


21.   16      Sub Bass (from #3)
22.   8      Open Diapason (#2)
23.   8      Gedeckt (#3)
24.   8      Salicional (#4)
25.   4      Octave (from #2)
26.   4      Flute (from #3)
27.   8      Cornopean (#8)

The organ was located in the rear gallery and was enclosed in a single chamber on the right, south, wall.  Replaced by Moller.

Moller organ, 1989, Opus 11785, 2m/5r


8      Principal                           61 pipes
8      Rohrflote (Swell)             -----
8      Gemshorn (Swell)              -----
4     Octave                              12 pipes
4      Waldflote (Swell)             -----
2     Super Octave                        12 pipes

8      Trompette (Swell)             -----
Chimes (prep.)


8      Rohrflote                           61 pipes
8      Gemshorn                            61 pipes
8      Gemshorn Celeste (TC)        49 pipes
4      Spitzflote (Gemshorn)        12 pipes
2 2/3 Nazard (Rohrflote)             -----
2      Blockflote (Rohrflote)       12 pipes
1 3/5 Tierce (TC)(Gemshorn)          -----
1 1/3 Larigot (Gemshorn)              7 pipes
16    Contre Trompette (Pedal)           -----
8      Trompette                           61 pipes
4      Clarion                             12 pipes


16      Subbass                             12 pipes
8      Principal (Great)             -----
8      Rohrflote (Swell)             -----
4     Octave (Great)                       -----
32      Trompette Cornet              -----
16    Contre Trompette               12 pipes
4      Clarion                             -----

Great to Pedal 8; Swell to Pedal 8; Swell to Great 8 & 4; Great to Great 4; Swell to Swell 4

Information from copy of contract, March 2, 1988