1545 South Sycamore St, Petersburg, VA
8' Prinzipal 61
8' Metallgedeckt 61
16' Subbass 32
8' Rohrflote 61
8' Gemshorn 61
8' Spitzprincipal 32
4' Octave 61
8' Gemshorn Cel 49
8' Pommer 12
2' Blockflöte 61
4' Koppelflöte 61
4' Spitzoctave 12
II Sesquialtera 98
2' Principal 61
16' Fagott 32 L/2
III-IV Mixture 220
1 1/3' Quinte 61
4' Fagott 24
8' Krummhorn 61
Chorus muxture cutout
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